Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Superfood Experiment! Marine Phytoplankton "The Basis for all Life"

Superfoods - by David Wolfe

Ok – If I could only have one of these products – this would be it. Why... because this one superfood contains almost everything we need to survive. Seriously! How bizarre is it that the smallest plant organism on the planet contains all nine amino acids (the ones the body can’t make), the essential fatty acids omega-3 and 6, vitamins A, B1-6 and 12, and major traces of minerals. No wonder it’s called “The Basis of all Life”.

Marine Phytoplankton  – IS the starting point of the Earth’s entire food chain. Not only that, but gram for gram it is said to be the most nutrient-dense alkaline superfood on the planet.  The largest mammal that has ever lived, the blue whale, feeds mainly on Marine Phytoplankton. It is said that this whale has the healthiest nervous system of any living mammal from consuming this food – not only that but it lives between 80 and 150 years, and remains sexually active until death.(...not sure why the author thought this was important, but he is after all a man - right...)

To continue, studies show that this super food contains every nutrient needed for the creation and maintenance of new cells, and it is exactly what human cell membranes need to carry out their metabolism. This I thought was really interesting - this food is 100% bioavailable to the human body - meaning NONE of it goes to waste - some of the healthiest foods out there are only 50% bioavailable. Lastly, like AFA Blue Green Algae and Spirulina, this superfood is over 60 percent protein by weight – WOW - talk about more bang for your buck - below are more fun facts about this amazing superfood!

Known benefits....

• It provides solid consistent energy through out the day, without additional stimulation - (this I've found to be true)

• Helps Improve the immune system

• Has Anti-inflammatory properties

• Because this is a high mineral food you can detoxify the body without demineralization, which means– your body will not take minerals from it's bones and vital organs.

• Helps with weight loss

• Because this superfood contains the smallest size of all micro-algae and several of its nutrients, allowing them to cross the blood-brain barrier, it is able to feed the master glands located deep within the brain, which helps with mental clarity and improved memory. (ok - I desperately need this one..)

• For the Athletes... the chlorophyll intake increases oxygen uptake - meaning more fuel to the muscles, which helps improve performance and endurance.

• Faster recovery due to the combined effects of cellular repair

• Increase in energy and vitality

• Improves digestion, circulation and eye sight (pg 149-51)

Amazing right? Coming next - Aloe Vera, Hemp and Coconut! Enjoy


Friday, March 26, 2010

The Superfood Experiment! Spirulina and Blue-Green Algae! That' right...

Superfoods: ... by David Wolfe

Ok – since my last post I found Royal Jelly in Honey and Coconut Water at Whole Foods. The nice thing about the royal jelly being in honey is I get the benefit of the honey and the royal jelly in one product, plus the honey helps sweeten my smoothie, which it needed.... and the coconut water... well you'll have to stay tuned for that one.....

Let's get to it...
Spirulina - also known as the Protein Queen. Spirulina is an algae superfood that is 65 -70 percent protein, the highest concentration of protein found in any food… It contains 18 amino acids including all eight essential amino acids, and is so rich in nutrition that some believe you can actually live on it for quite some time. (pg. 109) It is also said to be a blood builder since it contains as much iron as red meat - sounds like a must have for vegetarians!

Since the absence of certain amino acids can cause many different issues for our bodies, the high concentration of protein in this superfood is said to help balance the brains chemistry. For example - the absence of tryptophan can lead to a deficiency in serotonin. Serotonin helps us deal with stress, and deficiencies in serotonin have been associated with depression, and other disorders. (pg 111) (Wouldn’t it be nice to get everyone off SSIRs?)

Lastly – this food is rich in a little thing called brilliant blue polypeptide – know as phycocyanin. This blue pigment helps induce the production of stem cells, which are basic cells that can turn into both red and white blood cells. (pg 112) Spirulina is also high in several antioxidants that have benefits known to increase life span and improve the immune system, build and purify the blood, improve vision, is a health-enhancing metabolic enzyme, and lastly has the blue pigment known to help stimulate stem cells production. (pg 113)

Next up - AFA Super Blue-Green Algae – AFA is made primarily of soft proteins that are easily digested by our intestinal bacteria which in turn feed our blood and cells. (pg 126) This makes it one of the most digestible and utilized protein food in all of nature.

AFAs have an extraordinary concentration of the blue-pigment which helps preload the immune system by stimulating the production of more stem cells. (pg 126-7) It is also high in protein, second to Spirulina at 60%, and has a high concentration of PEA, like Cacao, which increases the brain chemicals that control our ability to pay attention and stay alert (ok – I’ve been saying I’ve felt more alert lately haven’t I?) In fact the synergy between the two (AFA and Cacao), is said to form a strong ability to focus and pay attention even for those with ADD. (hmmm - Wouldn’t it be nice to give kids chocolate and algae instead of the drug Riddlen?)

PEA is also said to be part of the endorphin induced “runners high” that enhances energy, mood and attention. (Again, I agree with this due to my personal experience lately – I feel amazing!) Lastly and more importantly, as with Cacao, PEA appears to be the primary active ingredients that inhibits appetite and helps people to lose weight. 

Ok – I’m starting to see a pattern here… It looks like nature has given us everything we need to live a long life and be healthy – I have to wonder why most of us don’t know about this…..


SuperFood Link to view products

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Superfood Experiment! Bee Products!

Ok – I had no idea how amazing bee products were for you. The only other superfood that comes close to this superfood is Cacao and we know how great that is ….

So the products we are going to go through are Honey, Pollen, Propolis and Royal Jelly –

Honey - in its organic/wild raw unfiltered state is rich in minerals, antioxidants, and is made from the nectar that bees sip from flower blossoms. According to research conducted in Russia, raw unprocessed honey is nature’s richest source of live healing enzymes, and increases reflexes, mental alertness and even IQ…..(pg 88)

Bee Pollen - is the most complete superfood in nature containing vitamin B-9 and all twenty-two essential amino acids. The high amount of antioxidants in Bee Pollen can help increase longevity by neutralizing free radicals. Pollen is said to be able to reduce prostate problems, increase strength, endurance, energy and speed. It is also said to reduce the production of histamine which helps neutralize allergies, help with anemia, constipation, colitis, sinusitis, asthma and bronchitis – this one is a keeper for me… (pg 90-92)

Royal Jelly – is made from the combination of pollen and honey, and is the only determining factor in the development of a queen bee from the other lava. Also the queen bee’s life span is four to five years, which is much longer than the worker bee’s life of 3 months. Royal Jelly is called the “fountain of youth and beauty”. It is rejuvenating, regenerating, inhibits the aging process, maintains skin tone, and promotes sexual vitality. It is also effective in treating glandular and hormonal imbalances, including those caused by menstrual or prostate problems, etc, etc…. Ok – I think this one is a must add to my list of products - Amazing!! (pg 93-4)

Propolis - is a waxy substance that seals the hive. It is an immune supporting and antibacterial substance, and protects the bees against bacterial viruses. It is rich in minerals, amino acids, fats, vitamin C and E, vitamin A, B-complex and bioflavonoids, which mend and strengthen blood vessels and capillaries (pg 96)

Thursday and Saturday – Spirulina –  protein queen, AFA Super Blue-Green Algae and Marine Phytoplankton – these guys will blow your mind – stay tuned!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Superfood Experiment! Cacao and Maca...

Ok – here it is Saturday and I’ve been doing this for 3 days now… Do I feel any different? I have noticed a slight reduction in my nightly cold sweats, I feel more alert, and feel I am able to concentrate better - which I like - Now onto Cacao…

Cacao – “Every study on chocolate is pointing to the same conclusion: there is something in chocolate that is really good for us. That something is the raw cacao bean, the nut that all chocolate is made from. The Cacao bean has always been and will always be Nature’s number-one WEIGHT LOSS AND HIGH ENERGY food. Cacao beans are probably the best-kept secret in the entire of history of food” (page 34 of Superfoods book)

WOW - this stuff is amazing! So let’s go on …Cacao has the highest concentration of antioxidants of any food in the world. By weight, cacao has more antioxidants than red wine, blueberries, acai, pomegranates, and goji berries combined, and is a very high source of magnesium which is the greatest alkaline mineral – if you recall from the Gogi Berry, the benefit of balancing the alkaline-acid in our body is weight loss. Just 2 table spoons of cacao in its powder form is 120 Calories and contains 4 grams of fat, 16 carbs, 9 grams of fiber, 6 grams of protein, 48 mg of calcium, 4 mg of iron, and 168 mg manganese.

Listed below are some of the other minerals that can be found in Cacao and their benefits to the body (pages 40-45):

Iron - is part of the oxygen-carrying protein hemoglobin that keeps our blood healthy and fights against anemia.
Chromium - helps balance blood sugar.
Manganese - assists in the oxygenation of the blood and formation of hemoglobin.
Zinc - plays a critical role in the immune system, liver, pancreas, sexual fluids, and skin.
Copper - helps to build healthy blood and strong immunity
Omega 6 Fatty Acid
PEA - is a major class of chemicals that we produce in our bodies as we fall in love.
Anandamide – is an endorphin that our body naturally produces after exercise.
Tryptophan-critical for the production of serotonin.
Serotonin- is the primary neurotransmitter in the body and is involved in sleep, depression and memory
Fiber – helps with the digestive system and helps clean the intestines.

In David’s superfood book there are also many, many different recipes that use these products – I’m a simple smoothie girl myself -

Next up - Maca!!

Maca – is also known as Andes Aphrodisiac…why? Because Maca is an adaptogen, which means it has the ability to balance and stabilize the bodies glandular-hormone system, cardiovascular system, and musculature. It increases energy, endurance, oxygen in the blood, physical strength, neurotransmitter production and libido. It supports the adrenal, and the thyroid to help improve moods and healthy hormone production. (page 70).

According to Beth M. Ley, PhD (Maca: Adaptogen and Hormone Regulator) pg 72. “Women with menstrual irregularities using maca have experienced greater consistency, while women with hot flashes, mood swings, and most associated peri-menopause and menopause symptoms have diminished dramatically using Maca… (Please say it’s true!!!) It is also known to improve the following (pg 71) – Anemia, chronic fatigue, depression, Infertility and sterility in humans (and if you're interested, live stock), lack of libido, malnutrition, menopausal symptoms (yeah!), poor memory, stomach cancer, and stress tension. This one for me is an all around win / win for us ladies!

…. And for the men in the crowd, according to Garry F. Gordon, former president of the American College for Advancement in Medicine (73-74) – “We all hear rumors about various products like maca. But using this Peruvian root myself, I personally experienced a significant improvement in erectile tissue response. (good grief) I call it nature’s answer to Viagra. What I see in maca is a means of normalizing our steroid hormones like testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen (ok ladies, this may help us in this dept too). Therefore, it has the facility to forestall the hormonal changes of aging. It acts on men to restore them to a healthy function status in which they experience a more active libido”

1 Tbsp of Maca is 50 calories and contains 11 carbs, 4 grams of fiber, 2 grams of protein, 67 mg of calcium, 16 grams of manganese, and 254 mg of potassium!

Well that’s it for this week – I’m beginning to think I’ve bitten off more than I can chew here, so much information, so little time, but I have to say I’m finding all this very interesting. Next week - Bee Products (Honey, Pollen, Propolois, and Royal Jelly) and Marine Phytoplankton… I can hardly wait!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Superfood Experiment! The Goji Berry

I suppose we should talk a little about what Superfoods are… Superfoods are probably the most nutritionally potent foods on the planet according to David Wolfe. They include foods that have multiple properties that can boost the immune system, elevate serotonin, increase the libido, along with many other things including weight loss. How? First superfoods allow us to get more nutrition by eating less, and second, they balance the “acid-alkaline” in our bodies… Why is this important? Well, as I read on I found that the primary reason for weight gain is high acidity in our bodies, and in this state, our bodies hold onto extra water in order to dilute these acids. Even more important (to me), our bodies stores this excess acid in our fat tissue which leads to cellulite and gaining weight…BINGO – big selling point for me. If I can find a way to get this darn cellulite off my thighs I will be the happiest woman on earth!

Week 1

Today I woke up after a rocky night of hot flashes, cold sweats and feeling less than rested. First thing I did was to take out all my new Superfood products, lined them up on the counter and made my first super smoothie. I’m not going to lie, I was a little scared to drink it - but since I’m still here I guess it didn’t kill me.

My thoughts after the first sip – I thought it was a bit bitter but not bad enough to make me want to pour it down the drain. Did I notice anything different? Not 100 percent sure yet, but I did feel a more alert and did feel I was able to focus more, making it a very productive day. Also, and a big plus for me, is it didn’t repeat on me like most vitamins do (yuck) Trust me, if I can get all the nutrients my body needs without taking a pill – I’m in…..

First up for review – the Goji Berry – also know as the fountain of Youth. I am not going to go into the background of each superfood. I am mainly concerned with the benefits. If you are interested in learning more than I’m providing here, I strongly recommend purchasing the Superfoods book - it's really a great read.

Benefits: This berry strengthens all the bodies systems as well as helps it to deal with stress by supporting the adrenal glands. It boosts the immune function and help to increase alkalinity in the body. Along with being a complete protein source, Goji Berries have 4 times more antioxidant than blueberries do.

Now I’m not sure if you recall all the hoopla that has surrounded the Human Growth Hormone (HGH), but Goji Berries are said to be the only food known to help the body to produce HGH naturally. It is also said to enhance the libido by improving overall stamina, mood, well-being and decreasing stress. Since the Goji Berry is said to increase HGH and HGH controls the production of testosterone – I guess it would make sense it would make the libido a little happier, right?

Ok – this one is a keeper for me – it taste good, reduces the bodies stress, is said to stimulate the production the human growth hormone and will spice up my love life!

Saturday - Cacao – “the food of the gods” and Maca – Andres Aphrodisiac… Can this get anymore exciting!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Superfood Experiment!

Week 1, Day 1 -

Ok – so a friend of mine, Ryan Orrico, recommended the book Superfoods by David Wolfe – at first I didn’t think much about it until he started talking about this crazy energy he was getting. So, as a 47 year old menopausal woman, with hot flashes, night sweats, low energy, and HUGE mood swings, I thought I’d see what was up… after all my life is half over right... and really I’d like to live it to the fullest without shooting hormones up my who-ha like Suzzane Sommers – if ya know what I mean.

So here it is Tuesday, March 16 – exactly one month before I become a Yaya (I refuse to say grandmother) and the product arrives. I’m not going to lie, I’m feeling a little intimidated by the words “Raw” and “Superfoods” I mean what is going to happen to me when I ingest all this stuff?

The plan is this – I’m going to mix all of these ingredients into a super green smoothie and have it for breakfast over the next 30 days. I will blog about each of the Superfoods I am using, according to Mr. Wolfe, and if I feel any difference in my mood, energy levels etc. as I go along. I will post an update on my thoughts and feelings along with information on a few of the Superfoods being used each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Week one– Introduction Goji Berries, Cacao and Maca
Week two – Bee Products (Honey, Pollen, Propolois, and Royal Jelly) Marine Phytoplankton
Week Three –Aloe Vera, Hemp Seed, Coconut
Week four – Honorable mentions – Camu Camu Berry, Acai, Chlorella, Incan Berries, Kelp, Noni, Yacon

Ok - since I didn't know where to start I borrowed the recipe below from the RCR's very own Ryan Orrico, which I believe he came up with this through his own blood, sweat and tears (mine is juat a tad different). He was kind enough to shared this with us girls in the forum and allow me to post it here. Ryan was the one who started all the commotion on superfoods which tricked to Valerie, and then down to us ladies. I'm sure when all is said and done I will come up with my own version according to my tastes and body's needs - stay tuned....

The Shake will consist of:

1 handful of spinach
1 scoop Choc EAS Whey Protien
½ cup blueberries
½ cup cherries
½ tsp of Hemp Oil
1 tbsp on bee pollen
1 tbsp Maca
Small handful of Gogi Berries
1 tbsp of Cacao powder
1 tbsp Camu-Camu Powder

I take this alone - 
3 drops of Marine Plankton
1 Blue green algae capsule

David Wolfe's Sunfood Nutrition

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What Motivates You?

So, what is this thing called Motivation? Well by definition, it’s simply the direction and intensity of a person’s effort. Listed below are some things that may motivate a person to get into shape and want to be healthy…

• To lose weight
• To prevent or deal with a current health issue
• To reduce stress or tension
• To have fun
• To meet people
• Deal with moods and anxiety
• To be physically fit
• To feel attractive - again
• To deal with aging
• Or maybe a loved one is pushing you do it for any or all of the above reasons…

Now, what motivates you?

For me it was the 20 lbs I gained and the thought of buying the next size up (to lose weight), the CONSTANT encouragement from my husband to lose it - (a loved one pushing me to do it - sorry dear), to feel attractive again, to be physically fit, and yes, the age thing… These were my motivating factors, but what actually motivated me to finally do it? Was it my husband, not really – I wanted to do it for him, but really I didn’t WANT to do it (sorry again dear). In the end I found it was my feelings about myself. I was tired of constantly “trying” to lose weight, and couldn’t understand why my current efforts weren’t working. I was discouraged and disappointed in myself, and had no idea what else to do or where to start…

If you start something, what you've really done is DECIDED to do something. This one little word is very powerful. I learned this from Celebrity Trainer Valerie Waters, and let me just say this - you Deciding to get fit and healthy is the first step to a whole new you. Once you decide, write down what it is you want for yourself – instead of saying I want to lose 20 lbs say the weight you want to get down to, I want to be thinner, I want to be healthy, etc. These are actually going to be the starting thoughts you’ll use to write your goals.  How to Set Goals  Doing this is a very liberating and exciting first step.

Next, put together a vision board – I know, I know - this sounded goofy to me too, but this is another little trick I learned from Val - and let me tell you, to put your thoughts down in a visual form and be able to see them. will be a huge motivator in helping you reach your goals. I did one (which I attached) and found out a lot about myself - Put it in your closet, on your fridge on your screen saver – where ever you will see it through the day. When creating your vision board include how you use to look or what you want to look like. Included things you love or would love to do –As you can see my vision board includes belly dancing, kayaking, yoga, weight training, water skiing, etc. From there you will be able to see what it is you want and get some ideas on how to get there – for me I could see I wanted a trim healthy body, to feel sexy or good about myself again, to enjoy the physical activities I use to enjoy, and to really enjoy my life instead of just going through the motions.

(Had to block out some folks - need permission for that :D )

Is it easy? NO. Is it fun? Well it can be if you find physically activities you like to do (the above vision board may give you some clues) like working-out with a personal trainer, walking the beach, hiking, kayaking, taking a Belly Dancing, Zumba, Tai Chi or Yoga classes, play tennis, taking an art class – find what is it that gives you joy or would enjoy doing? The more you do, the more you’ll enjoy your life, the more motivated you’ll be to be healthy.

For me there are two sides to being fit and healthy... the physical and the emotional. Physical fitness is eating healthy and being able to physically do anything you want… Spiritual or emotional fitness is well, is feeling good in the skin you’re in, and allowing yourself to really enjoy life…It took me one full year to drop 20 lbs and about 26 inches… Some days I was definitely more motivated than others, but again the key is to decide…. Decide that you want to be healthy, and find things you love to do – at 47 I feel better and more physically fit than I did 20 years ago – Imagine how empowering that feels.

You have to ask yourself - “How bad do I want it?” If you don’t want it, then don’t do it - hey, it’s your life, but if you do – then baby steps will get you there… You do not have to kill yourself!


YOU DO have to do the work,
YOU DO have to be patient,
YOU DO have to put together a plan that excites you,
YOU DO have to find physical activities you like and make you feel good,
YOU DO have to eat more healthy, and most importantly,
YOU DO have to be consistent.

Motivation -the more you work it the stronger it gets. There will be joy and satisfaction with the effort you put into this -remember one step at a time!

As Earl Nightingale once said “Don’t let the fear of time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might as well put that passing time to the BEST possible use.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Kick A$$ leg workout

Ok - if you're reading this you want to see how my hubby handed me my butt on a platter today...

So before he handed me my but, he hands me this little piece of paper that says Get Lean ---- Leg Training Routine... looked harmless enough, so I thought, but trust me it was not fun...

Here it is -

A) 1-set Step machine or Incline Treadmill 5 mins at fast pace

B1,2 and 3 are done back to back 3-sets

B1 Lunge Jumps 8 per leg
B2 Squat Jumps 8
B3 Body weight squats 20
... by the 3rd set I wanted to die

C 3-sets of each - Stability Ball - heels on top of ball hip bridges (6-12), directly into ball curls (6-12), hip bridges with toes on front face of the ball (6-12) - I think this is where the cursing came in...

D Walking Barbell on DB lunges (I used no weight) 40 (20 each let)

and to finish - as if that wasn't enough - a slow distance jog. Yah, that's right - OMG - so I did about a 1/4 mile at 5.0, then had to walk it - did 4.0, but only another 1/4 mile....

Man am I tired... but I will do it again :P